
@NEW@ 12- Victory Archery VAP TKO Elite 350 Carbon Dip/Crested Arrows

$ 105.59

Availability: 51 in stock
  • Shaft Length: Full Length/Cut to Length
  • Brand: Victory Archery
  • Archery Type: Bow Hunting
  • Type: Complete Arrows
  • Product Type: Fletched Arrows
  • Spine Size: 350
  • For Bow Type: Compoundbow
  • Color: Yellow/White
  • Fletching Type: Vanes
  • Quantity: 12
  • Shaft Material: Carbon
  • Condition: New
  • Model: VAP TKO


    Here are a FULL dozen brand new, never used Victory VAP TKO Carbon Arrows
    Arrows are hand-dipped in Bohning arrow paint and crested for a unique look.  Fletched with Bohning Blazer vanes.
    Clamp: Right Helical Clamp at Slight Offset
    Spine Size 350
    Weight: 8.7 gpi
    Vane:  2" Bohning Blazer Vane
    Nock:  IP Nock
    Insert: Shok TM TL Aluminum Insert, 50grain
    (if aftermarket inserts want to be used, request inserts to be sent loose/uninstalled)
    NOTE: You must let me know your arrow length.  I can not start building your arrows without this information.  Let me know the length measuring from inside groove of nock to end of shaft.  If you don't need cut, be sure to let me know as well.  Inserts will be sent loose on full length arrows, and inserts will be installed on arrows requested to be cut.  If you do not want inserts install, you MUST let me know with your arrow length message.  I will not start to build your arrows until I have your arrow length specs.
    If you are looking for Speed with unmatched Penetration then look no further. The Victory VAP Hunting shaft was designed by composite engineers & archers to out perform & out penetrate all other shafts in the market. The VAP shaft combines the deadly combination of a micro outer diameter while maximizing kinetic energy, accuracy and penetration making it by far the most powerful, accurate hunting arrow on the market.
    With Industry leading straightness tolerances, of +/-.001 & tight weight tolerances, coupled with Victory’s Spine alignment process the VAP is unmatched. The VAP has a variety of precision 7075 aluminum & stainless steel components that help increase the EFOC (Extreme Forward of Center) design which offers ultimate long range accuracy and penetration for that animal of a lifetime.
    Straightness of
    ± .001"
    Micro .166 inside diameter
    Spine aligned for better accuracy
    Each dozen arrow is matched weight to
    ±0.5 grain
    Front of the arrow uses their ICE coating which is an advanced nano ceramic to reduce friction for better penetration and easier arrow removal from targets
    NOTE!!!  These arrows are made to order.  They are built after payment is received.  These arrows do take extra time to build, and with relisting times and quicker buy-now auctions, I at times get behind in the production process.  Those bidding on these arrows, please understand that at times the delivery process may be delayed due to the work involved in making these arrows.  I can normally have arrows at your door in about two weeks.  These are custom built, made to order arrows.  HOWEVER, during our busy season, the building to shipping time may even be longer!  An ETA can be found on the item's page under "Shipping Details."  Please be sure to take this fact into consideration prior to bidding on this item, and when leaving anything but the most positive feedback on shipping time.
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